• Southeast, South Dakota, along with the majority of the Midwest region of the United States, has seen substantial amounts of rain the past couple of weeks. Crop health, flooding issues, and fertility are a few of the things to worry about when dealing with these big rain events. As the rain passes and fields begin […]

  • With much of the upper Midwest receiving excess rainfall in June and early July, a few customers have asked us to help them use imagery to identify and measure the area affected by this water damage. Following the steps below, this can easily be done from within the John Deere Operations Center. Please note that […]

  • We will be attending the Ag PhD Field Day in Baltic, SD, on July 25, 2024! You can meet the team behind VRAFY and ask your questions face-to-face. You can also see live product demos of the new features and learn how to use these tools on your farm. All existing customers who stop by […]

  • You might have noticed our updated pricing and the enhanced features at each level. We’ve made some exciting changes, such as the ability to collect soil samples and view soil test results in the $1 VRAFY Basic level. We’ve also reduced the price of the VRAFY Complete level to $4 per acre. Click here to […]

  • As farmers navigate the challenges of tighter margins, efficient fertilizer management has become more crucial than ever. When growing corn and soybeans, phosphorus costs can significantly impact your bottom line. Let’s explore how to make every dollar count.   Crop Removal Approach: A Smart Choice Even without soil tests, research suggests that the Crop Removal […]

  • Do you have spots in your fields that historically yield low? Taking soil samples and properly interpreting the data can benefit you drastically. When it comes to soil sampling the number one thing you want to do is get your nutrients in balance. In situations where you own the ground, building up your soil fertility […]

  • VRAFY, your trusted partner in precision agriculture, has been serving growers and dealers for over a year. As we continue to evolve, we are committed to enhancing value and empowering our growers. In this exciting update, we are thrilled to announce changes that will benefit you! What’s New? Price Drop: We are excited to announce […]

  • One of the main focuses of fertility is avoiding the over-application of fertilizer leading to runoff into rural water systems like streams and rivers. Along with avoiding over-application, variable rate fertilizer applications have led to increased soil health while also increasing yield. By knowing where and how much to apply in each spot of your […]

  • Are you trying to figure out where your crop production acres are struggling? Satellite imagery might be the answer you are looking for. With satellite imagery, you can narrow down the areas where crop health is lower than your better areas. Satellite imagery goes hand in hand with variable rate fertility programs because you can […]

  • The Pre-Sidedress Soil Nitrate Test (PSNT) is a valuable tool you can use to optimize nitrogen fertilizer use in grain corn and corn silage production. Here is why collecting a PSNT is an important part of a nitrogen management plan: Nitrogen Optimization: The PSNT measures the amount of nitrate-nitrogen available in the soil when the […]