We’re here to help you simplify your precision agronomy needs


More than a software platform, we are a service focused on making it easier for growers and their agronomists to engage with agronomic data to make effective, data-driven crop input decisions.

Depending on your fertility goals, you can replace what you remove at harvest, build soil nutrition levels, or balance your applications to address variability throughout your field.


Product Formula Name
Potash Target Build ppm
Potash Target Build % Base Sat.
Potash Target Build + Removal
MAP, DAP, MESZ Target Build ppm
MAP, DAP, MESZ Target Build + Removal


Product Formulas Available
Lime pH, Base Sat. Ca
Boron 15% B/Ca Balance
Iron 50% Fe/Mn Balance
Copper 25% Cu/Zn Balance
Zinc 35% Zn/Phos Balance


VRAFY works with almost all ag displays and integrates directly with John Deere Operations Center.

Use satellite imagery or soil data to build your own variable rate prescriptions right in Operations Center. If you do not have a John Deere Operations Center account, signup is a quick and easy part of setting up VRAFY. Once your VRAFY account is set up, you can use it with any technology, any platform, any equipment brand, any farm, and any field.

What good is your data if you Don
’t use it?